Location of the City
Short Tours Around the City,
Dwelling Houses and Stores
Philadelphia is situated on a Plain, nearly level, bounded on
the East, by the River Delaware; and west, by the River
Schuylkill; on the North, by the extensive Districts, and the
Northern Liberties, Spring Garden, &c. and on the South, by
Districts of Southwark, Moyamensing, Ate. It is situated in west
Longitude, from London. 75 degrees, 8 minutes; and in north
Latitude, 39 degrees, 75 minutes, and about 100 miles, in the
course of the River, from the mouth of the Delaware; its Ovation
above high watermark, ranges from a few feet, to 64, the highest
ground being between Schuylkill Seventh and Eighth Streets. A
few streams of water originally, crossed a part of the site of
the City; but in the course of improvements, these have entirely
disappeared. The immediate substratum of Philadelphia, is clay,
of several colors and degrees of tenacity, beneath which, at
various depths, from 20 to 40 feet, is found layers of coarse
gravel, which, from its situation, is denominated second gravel.
Formerly the wells were sunk to various depths, and the water
then supplied from them, was charged with the usual impurities,
which penetrate through the layers of sand, gravel, &c such as
carbonate of lime, nitrate of potash, salts o magnesia, and
chloride of sodium; but happily, for the health and convenience
of the Citizens, the (now) ample supply of water, from Fair
Mount, has almost removed, all dependence on those depositories
of impurities.
In 1794, the District of Southwark, was incorporated; and in
1803, the part known as the incorporated District of the
Northern Liberties, obtained a Charter, it being divided into
several Wards: since that time, Kensington has been
incorporated, and Southwark also, was divided into Wards.
Anterior to 1800, the City proper, was divided into Wards, of
very irregular bounds; but at that time, the Eastern Wards were
bounded by Fourth Street, and the Western extended to
Schuylkill. Subsequently, the limits of the Eastern Wards, were
extended west wardly, to Delaware Seventh Street: And the
Western still extended to Schuylkill. The number of Wards, at
this time, is 15; viz. Beginning on the South side, and Eastern
front, New Market, Pine, Dock, Walnut, Chesnut, High, Lower
Delaware, Upper Delaware, 8 Wards, on the Eastern front; then
beginning on the South side, and Western front, Cedar, Ward,
Locust, South, Middle, North, South Mulberry, North Mulberry, 7
Wards, on the Western front.
The original Plan of the City, was by Thomas Helme, in 1683, in
which, nine Streets, running East and West, are recognized,
High, or Market Street, is 100, and Broad Street is 113 feet
wide. Front Streets, on both Rivers, are 60, and Arch Street, 66
feet wide; all the other Streets, are 50 feet; and the 20
Streets, beside Broad, which cross the others, at right angles,
are all 50 feet wide, except the front Streets, on both Rivers,
which are 60 feet wide; and Water Street, and Penn Street, which
are very narrow. The intermediate Streets, not known in the
original Plan, Lombard, Locust, and Filbert, are 50 feet wide;
and Cherry and George Streets, about 40 feet wide; and Sansom 60
feet wide; Girard Street, 50 feet, Commercial Street, 40 feet
wide. New Street, Branch Street, Marble Street, Crown Street,
Chester Street, Washington Street, Bonsai, Barley, Bread,
Quarry, Quince, Juniper, and several other small Streets. Dock
Street is the only avenue of the City, not crossed at right
angles: It begins at the Dock Street landing, and winding in a
serpentine course, of various widths, from 90 to 100 feet;
finally, terminates in Third Street, near the Old United States
Bank, on the site of which, (formerly) a vessel laden with West
India Goods, from Barbadoes, was discharged.
The Creek, which (formerly) ran in the direction of this Street,
was at one time, crossed by a wooden structure, the site of
which, for a long time after its removal, was known as the Draw
Bridge. The Creek was arched over, from Third to Walnut Street,
at an early period; and in 1784, the arching over the Creek,
extended to Spruce Street.
It was the intention of the Proprietor, to preserve a clear
front, front Front Street, towards the river; and the first
buildings, erected East of Front Street, were restricted to the
height of the Bank, for the purpose of preserving an Exchange
Walk; but further infractions having been committed, large
blocks of buildings (without yards) were erected, and the narrow
street, known as Water Street, was established.
By the Will of the late Stephen Girard, a fund has been
established, for the improvement of Water Street, and the
Eastern front of the City, to be designated, by the Title of
"Delaware Avenue:" This (in time) will add much to the
convenience, commercial importance, and beauty of the City.
The Streets, running East and West, with the exception of High
(or Market) Street are named, from native trees. Beginning at
the North; they are Vine, Sassafras, (or Race) Mulberry, (or
Arch) High, (or Market) Chesnut, Walnut, Spruce, Pine, and Cedar
(or South) streets; Union street, was not included, in the
original Plan of the City; the same may also be said, of
Decatur, North, and many other small streets.
Short Tours (Or
Rides) Around Philadelphia
Almost every Avenue of the City, extending North and South,
communicates with various roads, leading through improved
Districts, in the immediate vicinity, affording delightful
tours, for a few hours ride. On the North side, the villages of
Frankford, Germantown, Manayunk, Francisville, Nicetown, the
Settlements around Girard College, and the highly cultivated
Districts, intervening, all give life and spirit, to the elegant
On the South, the highly cultivated garden spots, known as the
Neck, the Naval Asylum, the Moyamensing Prison, Landdreth's
celebrated Garden, the Navy Yard, in Southwark, the airy
location of Point Breeze, the large Praries, at Penrose's Ferry,
and the many beautiful roads, which meander, from river to
river, renders this situation, extremely pleasant, for a short
and healthy ride.
On the West, Mantua Village, the improved and splendid Country
Seats, on the West side of the Schuylkill River. Bartram's
Botanical Garden, the Alms Houses, and the New Lunatic Hospital,
&c. are objects that cannot fail, to gratify those, who ride out
to take the fresh air, in the vicinity of this City.
On the East, the various neat Villages, immediately, on the
River Delaware, in New Jersey, Camden, Kaighn's Point, Woodbury,
deserve to be mentioned, as places of genteel and frequent
resort, in the warm seasons of the year.
The delightful Villages, Towns, and Cities, of Trenton,
Burlington, Bristol, Bordentown, &c. on the Northern section of
this beautiful Country: And those of Wilmington, Chester, New
Castle, Salem, &c. &c. &c. on the Southeast, afford great
accommodations, by the Daily Lines of Steam Boats, and Rail
Roads, as places for a temporary residence, of great
convenience, to a City, like Philadelphia, daily increasing in
wealth and population.
Number of Dwelling Houses and
Stores, In the City
In 1683, the number of Dwelling Houses amounted to only 80.
In 1760, the dwellings, (and other buildings) numbered 3,060,
and the inhabitants (at that time) exceeded 18,000.
In 1810, the buildings, stores, workshops, &c. of every kind,
exceeded 32,000, of which, nearly 16,000, were occupied as
dwelling houses.
In 1820, the 14 Wards of the City proper, contained 63,803
inhabitants; and in 1830, the same Wards, with the addition of
Pine Ward, contained 80,513.
In 1839, (the present time) it is estimated, that the number of
buildings, (of every description) exceeds 50,000.
History of Philadelphia