Military Companies of Philadelphia, 1839
The following is a List of the Volunteer Companies, attached to
the several Regiments, of the First Brigade, First Division of
Pennsylvania Militia: Together with the several Names of the
Officers, commanding the Divisions, Brigades, Regiments, and
Companies, and the estimated parading strength of the latter:
Major General of Division, Robert Patterson
Brigadier General of First
Brigade, Andrew M. Prevost
Brigadier General of 2nd Brigade, John D Goodwin
Brigade Inspector 1st Brigade, Chalkley Baker
Brigade Inspector 2nd Brigade, Rudolph H. Bartle
First Regiment of Artillery, Col. J. A. Pleasanton
First Regiment of Artillery, Lt. Col. J. R. Murphy
First Regiment of Artillery, Major F. Fritz
Companies lancers Cavalry, attached, Captain Stille, 30
Companies Junior Artillerists, attached, Captain F.
Fritz, 30 Members
Company State Artillerists, attached, Captain Bunner, 30
Company, La Fayette Artillerists, attached, Lt. Col.
Barger, 25 Members
First (German) Washington Guards, Captain Partaman, 40
Second (German) Washington Guards, Captain Kobler, 40
Jackson Artillerists, Captain McCahen, 40 Members
102nd Regiment of Infantry, Col. Robert Patterson,
Companies. 2nd State Fencibles, Captain Murray, 30
Companies. Cadwalder Blues, Captain Menzies, 25 Members
Companies. Montgomery Hibernia Greens, Captain Dickson,
35 Members
Companies. Hibernia Greens, Captain Dickson, 35 Members
Companies. La Fayette Light Guards, Lieut. Peeris, 25
108th Regiment of Infantry, Col. James Page
Regiment of Infantry, Lieut. Col. W.C. Patterson
Regiment of Infantry, Major W. W. Weeks
Companies, State Fencibles, Captain James Page, 45
Companies, Washington Blues, Captain W.C. Patterson, 35
Companies National Troop Cavalry, attached, 20 Members
128th Regiment of Infantry, Col. C. G, Childs,
Regiment of Infantry, Major Geo. Cadwalder, attached, 20
Companies. Washington Grays, Captain Childs, 50 Members
Companies. Philadelphia Grays, Captain Cadwalader. 50
Companies. National, Grays, P. Fritz, 50 Members |
Unattached Companies
Troop Cavalry, Captain Hart, 35 Members
Union Fencibles, Captain Lee,
50 Members
German Washington Guards,
Captain Bohlen, 40 Members
Mechanic's Rifle, Captain
Moore, 30 Members
Penntownship Guards, Captain
Lutz, 25 Members
Munroe Guards, Captain
Streeper, 35 Members
Governor's Guards, Captain
White, 35 Members
German Washington Rifle,
Washington Highland Rifle,
Walker, 25 Members |
The County Troops, Mifflin Guards, Germantown Blues, Roxborough
Volunteers, and La Fayette Light Infantry, are located in the
County. They are all Active Volunteer Companies.
The above List comprises only, the disciplined, and efficient,
active Military Force, of the County of Philadelphia and
probably, the Officers and men, will number from 12 to 1,500,
capable of being concentrated in their action, within very short
time. Beside these, the undisciplined militia of the City and
County, will probably, furnish as large a Body.
The number thus enumerated, would be greatly increased, in case
of actual danger, for those who are exempted by age, would be,
on such occasions, as many were, (in the last war) foremost, in
the ranks of enterprise and danger, for the good of their
It will be remembered no doubt, that the military spirit of this
City, in the late War, of 1813, was beyond all praise; That the
Draft of 1812, was promptly met, by such men as Girard, who it
is said marched out, on that occasion, and that Biddle,
Cadwalader, Patterson, and a host of other Patriots were
foremost, at the post of danger.
Philadelphia. July, 4, 1839.
History of Philadelphia