Ninth Company ~ State Guards

Field & Staff

Henry Meyers, Captain
Jacob H. Fisler, First Lieutenant
George Billington, Second Lieutenant
Alexander M'Caraher, Third Lieutenant
Daniel H. Miller, Ensign
1st Andrew Geyer
2nd George Benners
3rd George Richards
4th George Harman
5th Jacob Heyberger
1st William Dungan
2nd Joseph F. Colladay
3rd Peter C. Meyers
4th Thomas Worn
5th Thomas M. Rush
6th Jacob Burkard


Nicholas Andrews John Link
Hezekiah Buzby John Laskey
Jacob Burrows Mordecai Lyons
Henry Benners Joseph A. M'Clintock
Tobias Bealer George G. Meyers
William Bruce Smith Mills
Peter Bartleson John Murphey
John Buck John Mingle jun.
John Brock jun. John Morris
Stacy B. Barcroft Hugh S. Magee
Isaac Barnes Elijah Mitchell
Joseph Bartholomew Daniel M'Dowell
Charles Bicknell Joseph G. Normon
John Barry Daniel Newman
Geo. W. Brackinridge Owen Owens
William Colladay Samuel Paterson
James Cooper jun. John Pollock
Walter A. Corry Isacher Price
Thomas Christian Robert Parham
Joshua Comley William Pool
David W. Clark Henry H. Pennell
Jacob Clymer  M'Kimmy Porter
Sallows Dunlap Joseph Reilley
Jonathan Everitt Alexander W. Reed
William Gravenstine John Rush
Theodore Gillius Philip Riebsam
John Garrison Israel Roberts
Robert Gardine Peter Snyder
Jacob H. Gardiner Samuel D. Sagers
Christian Gobright George Stout
Courtier Goodwin William Skinner
James Hansell Caleb Shinn
Henry Hollibush Issac Shunk
Peter Hertzog Lawrence Shuster
John Hawze Joseph Smith
Joseph Hill Jacob Smith
Jacob Harman jun. Joshua C. Secke
John Hamilton Jacob Shinkle
Henry Houpt Joseph Strock
John Hollahan Peter Saunders
Nathan Jackaway Thomas H. Stinger
John Kookagey Jacob Slahter
Joseph King Thomas Thomson
Joseph Keyser William Von Stovaren
Isaiah Knight John A. Wiltstach
William D. Kennedy William Weiss
Samuel Keehmle Richard West
John Kreider John Wamock
Peter Lauderback Joseph Yeager
Peter Link John Boyer
Jeremiah Scanlon, Drummer
J. L. Benner, Fifer

The Officers and Soldiers, whose names have been recorded on the Lists, in the preceding Muster Rolls, fully justify the assertion, that if occasion had occurred, for them to exhibit their devotion to their Country, they would have added to the reputation of its Arms: The alacrity with which, they repaired to their stations, and the Military spirit which prevailed at the time, authorizes the conclusion, that should another warlike struggle occur, the Volunteer Companies Of This City, will not be in the Rear, in Discipline, Military Spirit, and Patriotism.

Besides, the Military Gentlemen, who were on duty in the several Camps, below the City, in 1814, a large body of citizens, (among them, a great number of Mechanics, of various descriptions) Volunteered their services, to build Fortifications, on the West bank of the Schuylkill, in order to give the enemy, should they approach on the West bank of the Delaware, a sufficiently warm reception! The alacrity, which characterized the general turn out, to erect Fort Crispin, near Gray's Ferry, prove, that in the hour of danger, party spirit was hushed, and that only one sentiment, actuated the whole community.

Men, who voluntarily came forward, on such occasions, may not be equal to the forced marches, of a regular Army; but, on their own soil, when in defense of their homes, their country, and their firesides, they will be Invincible!

History of Philadelphia

Source: A History of Philadelphia: With a Notice of Villages, in the Vicinity, Printed and published by Daniel Bowen, 1839

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